Saturday, December 14, 2013

Finlee's First Week

It has been so wonderful having Finlee here with us. Spencer and I are completely in love with this cute little guy. He makes the cutest noises, pulls the cutest faces and is just so lovable. We love snuggling with him and kissing his soft cheeks. Don't get me wrong, we are experiencing the new parent struggles, but we wouldn't trade it for anything.

Enjoy some little pictures of Finlee throughout his first week.


  1. I'm so happy that he's here and healthy, and that all is well. Best Christmas present ever, right?! Congratulations :) wish you were here so we could see him in person. Thank for posting all these great pictures.

  2. In the picture of him in the blue and yellow blanket, you can tell Finlee and Tiffany have the same mouth!!

  3. Finlee is seriously adorable! Favorite pics are the one with the U of U beanie and the one where he's sleeping w/Spence zipped up in his hoodie. I also loved the Christmas decoration pictures and - random question - when did you guys get a Foosball table? I hope Finlee's starting to get his days/nights figured out and that you two are getting a bit more sleep. Love ya! Stacy

  4. Finlee is so darling! So happy he's here! Love you guys.
