Friday, December 13, 2013

Finlee's Fast Arrival into our lives!

Everyone say hi to 
Finlee Calvin Jackman

Born December 5, 2013 @ 10:27 pm
7 lbs 11 oz, 20 1/2 inches long

The Birth Story

I woke up Thursday morning around 4 am with strong braxton hicks contractions in my lower belly and lower back but they were irregular so I didn't think too much of it. I had been having braxton hicks contractions for months but these were getting a bit more painful. 
That whole day I could feel things were different. I had tons more pressure to where I could hardly sit at the computer. I had to take brakes and lay on the couch because it was so uncomfortable. Spencer was already so excited about the contractions that night he told me to only call him at work unless I was having the baby. That way he would know it was serious. He ended up getting 5 phone calls, but none of them were from me, which killed him. 
I decided to go on a walk because they say that walking helps wiggle the baby down into the birth canal and boy was that a hard thing to do. I was almost waddling and kept getting the contractions, but again not regular so I kept telling myself that I wasn't in labor. Later on that night we were watching an episode of Lost, yes we are hooked, before going to dinner with some friends at 7:30 and I started timing the contractions. They were coming every 7 minutes almost on the dot, but not that painful so I thought that it still wasn't the real thing and i'll just keep an eye on it at dinner. We went to get into the car to go to dinner and as I am putting one foot into the car I had to stop because I was having the strongest contraction yet. As I was letting it pass, I felt a little pop or punch down low from Finlee and then my water broke. It was such a strange rush of excitement and nervousness. I couldn't believe it had happened but I was so happy. Spencer gave me a blessing and we headed out to the car to go to the hospital. By now the contractions were much more painful and starting to get closer together.
Of course, when we got to the hospital the nurses were taking their time thinking I was going to be in labor for many many hours, as many first timers do. I had to finally ask for medicine for the pain before they even really checked me or progressed to anything more than just laying there. It had only been about 45 minutes since my water broke and I was dilated to a 5 and 90% effaced. So they got me into my room and hooked up. During all of this Finlee was looking great. His heart rate was fine with no signs of stress. 
At this point I remember thinking to myself "I should be able to rest in between contractions but I feel like they are getting closer and closer." Things were moving a lot quicker than any of us thought. Spencer barely got 3 phone calls in to family letting them know I was in labor and then things started to move fast.
I was dying for an epidural but the anesthesiologist was taking forever. I was squeezing Spencer's hand off and I just wanted the pain to go away. It took him about an hour to come and when he came he said it might be too late for one. I thought I was going to die. I told Spencer I couldn't do anymore. Luckily he decided to do a spinal epidural which is lower and more direct. When the medicine began to spread I was in heaven. Then my doctor showed up a few minutes later, checked me and said, "Want to have a baby?" It was time to push. It only took about ten minutes of pushing and he was born. They placed him on my chest and he had his eyes wide open. He wasn't crying, just fussing, and he was alive and breathing!!!!
Spencer and I began to cry together as we looked at our healthy, breathing baby boy. He had made it here safely, after a long 9 months of worrying and waiting. He was here after we lost his brother a year and a half earlier. So it really felt like we had been waiting 2 1/2 years for a little baby to come into our lives. I kept crying uncontrollably because I couldn't believe he was here safe and sound. It was such a miracle how this pregnancy and delivery all worked out. I am so grateful for the protection our loving Heavenly Father gave to Spencer, me and Finlee. 
So from start to finish, 3 hours after my water broke, Finlee came into this world. I always told people I wish that I was one of those women who have quick labors but I didn't realize that I was going to be like that. It was nice to get him here so quick, but the thought of almost not being able to get an epidural sounded like the worst thing in the world. 
After that, things went so smoothly. He is a good eater, he passed all his testing and checkups. We stayed in the hospital about a day and half and then got to come home Saturday afternoon. My parents drove down Friday and spent the weekend with us which was nice. 

So here are some pictures to document the hospital stay.

Walking into the hospital to have little Finlee! I was excited, nervous and in pain. Maybe you can tell in my face!!

 Minutes just after having Finlee. 

Finlee's weight!

 Loving our little baby. We both couldn't sleep mainly because we just couldn't take our eyes off him.

 He hated his first sponge bath but loved the heater. This is him relaxing in the heat!

 Dad caught some funny pictures of Finlee!

 Happy little family in the hospital.

 Looking up at dad. I love it when he does this! He loves Spencer's voice. I think it is because Spencer talked to my belly every night after the accident, telling Finlee memories of his mom and sister.

 Getting dressed to go home. He was wide awake.


  1. I am so glad everything turned out so perfect! He is darling..and I love that picture of him looking at Spencer :)

  2. This post made me cry tears of joy for you guys. I love all 4 of you so much. And that picture of him looking up at Spence is so precious. That was one of my favorite things he did when I was their with you guys, just staring at his dad.
