Thursday, January 17, 2013

Utah Holiday Break

Although we moved down to Flagstaff in November, we hardly spent much time there. We came back for a week for Thanksgiving and then a week and a half for Christmas. We were so grateful to be with family a little bit more before the official move. 

The drive there was very pretty. These pictures are taken just south of Page, Arizona. You drive out of the canyon and you see this beautiful flat canyon in front of you and it just goes on for miles and miles. It is the start of the Grand Canyon.

We were very lucky to enjoy a lot of time with the Graehls and the Jackmans. We had a few fun family parties as well that were a lot of fun. Christmas eve was spent with the Jackmans. We enjoyed a delicious fancy meal, then had our tradition of drawing a name from a bowl and saying why you love that person. It is such a neat experience to be a part of that. There are always tears involved but that is what makes it so great. Then we enjoyed dessert and played a few games.

Makai was loving the camera that night. She is so so cute! Funny girl.

We slept over and opened presents on Christmas day. Lots of fun presents!

Then we headed over to the Graehls for a wonderful breakfast, presents, relaxing, putting together presents, then dinner and games at my cousins. But I also don't want to forget that we did spend some time with the Graehls on Christmas eve taking family pictures and going to see the Hobbit. 
 Barrett was hilarious, he didn't want to smile for the camera!!
 Millie was in need of a nap so Bre put her down on the couch all wrapped up and she pretended to sleep. That funny girl.

I love all of our family so much. They are so kind, loving and fun to be around. We already miss you guys so much being down here on our own. But we will visit and hope that you will too.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas was so much fun! I miss you guys tons. Ugh I hate long distance. Thanks for taking such great pictures capturing so many fun memories. You have serious talent Tiff!! Love you guys!
