Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More Funny Pictures of This Boy

Finlee was really fussy one night and no matter what we did he would fuss and cry. So we took him into his room to change him into his PJ's and put him on the changing table. He calmed down instantly so we buckled him in and let him hang out. Then we noticed it was quiet so we went in and found him asleep but with his hand up because he always likes to play with the bars. Silly boy.

 I love putting him in the boppy because he is just so stinkin cute in it.
 He's such a trooper when we go hiking. He loves looking around and usually ends up falling asleep.
 The other day he was being so funny in his saucer thingy. Enjoy the many faces of Finlee.


  1. Looks like he got his mama's good looks and his dad's sense of humor. I miss you guys!!

    1. He has the funniest facial expressions! Such a cutie! Love you guys!
