Tuesday, May 6, 2014

5 Months and Growing

Finlee is already 5 months. I can't believe how fast the months and weeks keep speeding by. We still love having this silly boy around. This last month he has continued to reach some fun milestones. 

Chews on everything.
Smiles big when talked to or sang to (and sometimes you'll get a little flirty flicker of the eyebrows if you are lucky).
Giggles hard when tickled or surprised.
Loves playing with toys (in his saucer gym thingy, ones you hand him, or ones put in front of him and he has to reach to get them).
Hates the bottle right now.
Rolls from tummy to back, sometimes (other times he just eats his hands).
Getting close to rolling from back to tummy (pulls legs up to chest and rolls onto his side...he's getting there).
Talks (its more of grunting than talking these days).
Loves movement.
Likes attention (squeals until he gets it).
Sleeps so good at night.
Likes standing up on his feet.
Likes to spit and blow bubbles.
Went swimming for the first time and did great.
Sticks out tongue, especially when talking.
Sucks on bottom or upper lip.
Sucks on left hand fingers or chews on right hand thumb.
Hair is growing back but only in the middle in a Mohawk sort of style.

 Finlee loves scratching things.