Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6 Months is already here!

 Last week this little boy turned 6 months!! The photo shoot for 6 months was the trickiest by far. He kept reaching for the camera, grabbing his toes which made him fall over, spitting, and moving like crazy. But it was so much fun. I was able to capture some funny faces.

Weight: 18 lbs 6 oz 67%
Height: 27.3 in 76%
Head: 44.5 cm 82%
 He has discovered his toes this last month and plays with them often.
 His Mohawk has grown and we love it. Everyone always asks us if we style it that way. The answer is no. That is what it does every time it dries.

 He can't sit up on his own yet, but he is getting close.

 The sticker didn't last long. He kept grabbing it, eating it and it got wrinkled quick.
 I don't know why but I love the back of his head. You can see his silly hair, his cute ears and chubby neck.
 He is such a giggler. We usually get him pretty good when he tickle him but a couple other things get him too.

He loves grabbing things, eating things and when he does he does this cute talking that he only does when he is grabbing for something. 
 Within the last month, he has this silly face he pulls. He pushes his bottom lip out with his tongue and it looks so funny.

 Go UTES!!!

He started saying DADA, but it's just babbling...that's not what Spencer thinks!

 Those chunky legs are getting big.

He keeps sticking his legs out of the crib and sometimes they get stuck. He has also started rolling in his crib. Sometimes he wakes up and it already on his tummy and it scares him. Other times he wakes up, hangs out in the crib and rolls over and is fine. Silly boy.


  1. Wow 6 months have flown by. I love to see his darling personality in the pictures!

  2. I love the tongue sticking out pictures and the Utes onesie, of course! When am I going to get to meet that little guy?!? *sigh*
