Monday, August 12, 2013

Another Fun Weekend Camping

Marshall Lake!

 Pretty sunset that just kept getting better and better.

 Popping some popcorn over the fire. Funny side note: I was trying to take a picture of Spencer holding the popcorn so I kept leaning further and further back to get him in the picture. Little did I know that he didn't want to be in it, just his thumb, so he was leaning back and closing his eyes because the flash was bright. So it took me a moment to realize this, then as we sat there looking back at the pictures I had just taken, we both started to bust up laughing at the one with his eyes closed.

 Ha ha he is such a funny guy!

The next day we enjoyed some yummy breakfast, then headed out to explore the area. A lot of these areas around Flagstaff have lots of places to hike and many trails, but they aren't marked very well or they aren't used anymore so they can be crazy if you follow them. We decided to go on one of those trails and even though it never really took us anywhere it still was fun.

Ok another little side note: At night we were laying there going to bed and we can hear something strange like an animal call or something. It kept getting closer and louder. At first I thought it was the people next to us being goofy and teasing us or something but then we realized it was real, and probably elk or something. It sounded like they were coming down behind us to go out to the lake area. When we got home the next day we looked up elk sounds and it for sure was them. So look up the sound of elk noises so you can hear how crazy it is. 
 This is the lake that is all dried up. It really was a pretty meadow. 

 Looking out at the Twin Peaks!

 I guess the lake wasn't totally dried up, but pretty close.

 We found this little snake just by the lake. Kind of gives me the heebie jeebies if you ask me.
But then again it wasn't very big.

We were on our hike and some thunder clouds were headed our way so we decided to head back. We were about 5 minutes away from our camp when the rain started, but just a little bit. We tried to hurry cause our rain cover for our tent was off so that during the night we could look at the amazing stars. So we got back, threw that on and sat down to eat our lunch because the rain was starting to let up a bit. Then it just started to pour so we grabbed our food and made a dash for the tent. It was so fun hearing the rain and enjoying the fun beauty. 

 Then on our way back home we stopped to see Lake Mary which is really close to our church. Kind of just a muddy lake but still fun. There were lots of pretty yellow flowers around the lake which made it really pretty.


  1. Every time I see one of your posts I'm sad we didn't get into school in Flagstaff! It looks so beautiful there and you guys go on so many adventures! We're going on our first camping trip with Phoenix this weekend and I'm excited to get back into the outdoors :)

  2. I dying with that snake. I thought it was a bigger snake but seeing it compared to your shoe... too funny. And that picture of Spencer with the popcorn is too funny.

  3. You guys do so many fun things together. I'm glad you get out and camp. And that sunset was amazing!
